
[ExCoGiGirls] Annalena Reno, Sophie Taylor (Opposites Attract, Lets Do It Again 01.31.2025)

1 month ago
1.2 GB


Welcome back everyone and I just want to say again how sorry I am to all those in the greater Los Angelas area that have lost their livelihoods because of the utter destruction caused by the fires. Shout out to all the brave men and women on the front lines and thank you for doing your jobs in the face of insurmountable odds. I've heard that there are a few new fires and even a few in San Diego so again our thoughts and prayers go out to all Angelenos and our friends to the South that you make it through this tough time and the fires are held at bay. So now let's get into todays fun and we have a newbie named Sophie for you all and don't let her arm tat misjudge this cutie's naivety in the bedroom with girls. She's a little shy at first which is to be expected but as we begin to peal back the layers we find out she's had 2 other girl on girl experiences that in her own words were not good at all. They were both young and didn't know their way around a vagina and that's all about to change today. And if you're a fan of the site then you know today is the day Annalena gets to take a girls pornginity for the first time ever and boy or boy is she excited about it. I mean these two hot girls are in a lot of ways polar opposites in more than a few ways. Let's list a few Annalena started masturbating at 6 Sophie's never masturbated. Before gracing our sheets and spreading her money maker here Annalena's body count was 3 Sophie's body count is a little higher than 3 and as we all know it's not polite to ask a girl her body count. So what turns newbie Sophie on and what are the things she's excited to try today I'm pretty basic um just wanting to give and receive head want to try toy play making out is obviously always great and we agree with all that. Head aka 'l... Lesbian Annalena Reno Sophie Taylor ExCoGiGirls



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